Dear friends,
For a very limited time only, I'm going to implement a bit of an experiment in an effort to get Watching Europa into the hands of those who we know should really have it. My proposal is this: you can get yourself a completely FREE COPY of the Watching Europa Bluray on the condition that you forward on - with a personal recommendation - an additional copy to a person of influence who you know, or with whom you are acquainted. In other words, I'll send you two Blurays, one of which you may keep.
The object here is to disseminate the project as widely as possible, with an aim to finding someone who might be interested in exhibiting Watching Europa in either the Maquette or 13 Screen version (preferably the latter, as this is the only way I'll ever get it seen in its originally intended form). This person could be in the arts, the sciences or just a philanthropist who likes cool and inspiring things and wants others to see them.
This offer is open to everyone, including those who participated in the crowdfunder, but I'm not going to run it for a long time, so get in quick. I will point out (in case it's not obvious) that this works entirely on trust, so please, only apply if you sincerely intend to act on your promise.
I would appreciate you letting me know where you send your copy, although that is not necessary.
(Suggested recipients: art gallery curators, science museum curators, planetarium exhibition managers, millionaires, experimental film-festival organizers, exobiologists, astronomers, science fiction festival organizers and so forth)
I know you all know someone who will like it. Send them a copy and make their life more awesome!
(Email me with your mailing address if you wish to participate)
My kindest regards,